Frontera a Frontera
Sharing Stories Border to Border

As a community who has stewarded this land for generations, our connection to the land and waters faces a time of unprecedented challenge and opportunity that will shape all of our futures for many generations. The Continental Divide Trail Coalition and Hispanic Access Foundation have partnered to celebrate the stories of the Latino community from border to border, or Frontera A Frontera, to showcase the strength and breadth of our collective connections to the landscape in the past, present, and future; our faith and heritage connections; the importance of outdoor access and recreation; how critical cross-border connectivity is to our completeness; and how we seek justice in our work.
These are the stories of grandmothers and abuelos, tios and tias, Mothers and fathers and our next-door neighbors fighting to preserve our culture and homes amidst the threat of climate change and nature loss. We hope these stories will remind us that all of us can have an impact and make a difference, even when we don’t see people like us in the news, and that it doesn’t mean we aren’t leading, it only means our stories need to be told.
Frontera a Frontera is the place we want to create to start sharing these stories and elevating the stories of the people doing this work every day and who have been doing this work every day and begin to inspire even more of us to find ways to speak out, stand up and organize for the places we call home.
#fronteraafrontera #MonumentalShift #ContinentalDivideTrail #HispanicAccessFoundation #Ourheritageourplpanet
This video series produced by Gregg Flores via Where the River Runs
This video series produced through generous support from REI and Outdoor Alliance